Reinvestment of funds using tax-efficient products and allowances
Sometimes, as people age, their ability to make financial decisions for themselves gets progressively limited. They eventually find themselves having to rely on either their nominated person or a solicitor to carry out certain tasks on their behalf concerning their welfare. In this scenario, many elderly people prefer to seek financial guidance from a company. With Holbrook’s reputation for professionalism and impartiality and our wide experience providing clients with tailormade financial solutions during the latter years of their life, we are often the preferred choice.
Recently, I had a client who opted to go into a care centre earlier than his health required, simply because his partner had progressive dementia and the two of them wanted to stay together.
Taking into consideration that cash on deposit has rather modest returns, the couple envisaged their funds depleting rapidly over the course of the next few years and thereby affecting their standard of living. I explored several other options, before designing a financial solution suited to their circumstances and requirements.
The couple approved of the solution and I proceeded to reorganise their financial affairs in a tax-efficient manner. I invested their funds into a well-diversified portfolio, utilising a range of tax-efficient products for growth and using allowances to make their money work better for them and potentially limit the chance of funds running out.
Wealth Manager – Holbrook Wealth Management